Program Description
Random Number Wizard generates random numbers between user-specified limits (inclusive). Duplicates and specific values can be excluded from the random number generation process. The results can be copied and pasted into other programs (e.g., a spreadsheet). The specific list of the features are as follows:
- Filtering: Duplicates and/or specific values can be excluded from generation process.
- Copy List: Users can copy the generated dataset to other programs of their choice (e.g., a spreadsheet).
- User's Guide: A user's guide is included that describes how Random Number Wizard works. This user's guide is a searchable help file that is integrated within the program. It can be accessed from the help menu or by pressing F1.
- Random Number Generation Notice : Random Number Wizard generates pseudo-random number according to the laws of mathematics. Random numbers generated by computers are not truly random though because computers utilize a specific algorithm in order to generate random numbers. Therefore, the results may be predictable to someone who knows the algorithm.
System Requirements
- Operating System: Windows 2000 or higher
- Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or higher
Program Notes
License: Programs distributed on djburnette.com are free, but come without any warranty including even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
Microsoft .NET Framework: The setup program will check to see if you have the .NET Framework installed. If the .NET Framework is not installed, then setup will automatically download it and install it for you. Do note though that the download size is 22.4 MB, which could take some time on slower Internet connections.